The Mantra Behind Throwing a Perfect Stitch
Certain phrases really encapsulate a point of view, life lesson, or way of doing things. I often say phrases (or mantras, if you will) in the operating room to help students and residents incorporate surgical techniques.
Today’s episode begins a series of conversations around these mantras, beginning with a term I picked up from Dr. Fred Kipley that epitomizes throwing a perfect stitch. And I’m joined by fourth-year resident Dr. Daniel Bond to talk about how it’s helped him in the last six weeks since he’s been in my rotation.
In this episode of the Words of Love podcast, Dr. Bond will explain what this mantra means to him in layperson’s terms. You’ll also hear about the mentality that young learners like him work on adopting when executing surgical procedures and the self-defeating fallacy you can fall under as an overachiever.
3:41 - Dr. Daniel Bond quickly introduces himself and his kind of unique history
8:21 - The phrase I learned from Dr. Shipley and what it means to Dr. Bond
13:27 - Why mindset is so crucial for surgeons and inpatient care
21:08 - The most challenging mental and emotional aspect for Dr. Bond as a fourth-year resident
25:03 - The importance of balancing your personal and professional needs as a high achiever
35:51 - Why the learning curve for surgical procedures is more than about execution
42:38 - Dr. Daniel Bond’s dream world for the next 10 years