Dr. Dwayne Jenkins
You came here looking for answers…
…but it’s the QUESTIONS…that are most crucial.
Your high performance mindset coaching has begun.
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By working together, you become the catalyst to profound change in how you think, how you show up and how you interact with yourself, your colleagues, your organization and your community.
Resources for Physicians
Resources for Organizations
Resources for
Self Care
Seen & Heard
QUESTIONS are ultimately the scaffolding–the framework–for all human systems.
Every enterprise–be they nations, corporations, religions, armies, even secret societies: these all rise and fall over the “whos,” “whats,” “hows” and "whens” which organize their thoughts and guide their actions.
And for you, the individual, the “whys”–in my judgment–are the most important and most difficult questions to navigate. Ultimately every step of the journey from cradle to grave rests on our willingness and ability to assiduously and persistently interrogate our “whys.”
This is the job of the philosopher, the scholar and the cleric in each of us.
When you ask the right questions, you can have the life you desire.
There are no hard conversations when you know the truth of who you are and who you want to be right now.
Words of Love
After years of therapy and a few months of sobriety, it was clear that I had to face many fears. I had to confront shame and guilt which terrorized me and which my grandfather had innocently instigated. I knew that if I were to remain sober, I had to say these words without obfuscation to my hero and psychological cornerstone: ‘Granddaddy, I’m gay.’
His response and the conversation which followed inspired No Hard Conversations. You can hear more about it in the inaugural episode of my podcast, Words of Love with Dr. Dwayne.
Subscribe to my podcast where inside these intimate conversations, we explore the transformative power of self acceptance.
Join my community on Substack The Divine Assignment and get access to exclusive content, including the podcast episodes two days ahead of the general public.
I am an advocate for physicians first.
Healthy patients and healthy physicians make healthy communities.
As a GYN oncologist and robotics surgeon for nearly twenty years, I have had to have hard conversations over and over with an approach that allows conveyance of emotionally laden and complex information to patients and their families, while advancing treatment objectives.
The patients who can have these conversations are able to be fully present with their families during an emotionally difficult time.
These conversations have also taught me to be a better listener, doctor and healthcare provider.
I recognized that the siloed approach to patient and client interactions was limiting my ability to have the impact I desired.
I’ve always wanted to treat the whole person, but would only offer occasional glimpses behind the rigid barriers I had erected between my personal and professional selves.
I became increasingly dissatisfied with this approach and eventually learned to deconstruct these self-imposed limits.
As a consultant, I have been able to help individual clients focus on their life’s and professional priorities and make the tough choices that facilitate accomplishing their goals.